How to write a review / feedback to a seller on AliExpress?

Did you just receive a product from AliExpress? Leave feedback about the seller and the product. This will help other customers know if the seller is reliable and if it pays to order from him.

Do not avoid leaving feedback. If every customer leaves feedback, it will help many people when choosing and avoid dishonest sellers.

If you don't want to leave feedback, imagine other customers don't. So how do you choose a product? How to find out, that the seller is reliable and honest? You yourself have to make the change you want to see in the world. So don't forget to leave product and store feedback on AliExpress.

How to leave feedback on AliExpress after order confirmation

You can only leave feedback after clicking the "Order Received" button. AliExpress will automatically offer to leave the callback ties when you acknowledge receipt of the order. If you agree, you will be taken to a feedback page.

If you want to leave feedback but don't have time now, don't worry. AliExpress reserves 30 days to leave feedback. When you are ready, go to your personal account under "My orders" . You'll see a "Leave Feedback" button next to the order.

What to write in the feedback?

The seller should be rated on a scale of 1 to 5, write a comment and attach some pictures. You will need to rate the following points:

  • as the product corresponds to its description
  • how good the communication skills of the seller are
  • how quickly the product was shipped

In your comment, you can share your experience with ordering at this seller, any problems, which may have occurred, the product itself, the terms of delivery and the like. The limit is 1,000 characters. By the way, you can remain anonymous.

In any case, the feedback will not be published until the seller checks it. The feedback will be published, when you and the seller leave feedback, or at the end of 30 days after the feedback is sent. All back the feedback you leave is stored in the "Manage Feedback" section. All yours gather here comments and their status.